1: 1. Ignoring their body language 2. Forcing them into uncomfortable situations 3. Using harsh punishment

2: 4. Not giving enough exercise 5. Leaving them alone for long periods 6. Yelling or shouting at them

3: 7. Not providing a safe space 8. Invading their personal space 9. Not giving enough attention and affection

4: 10. Allowing them to eat unhealthy food 11. Not grooming them regularly 12. Not training them properly

5: 13. Overcrowding them with too many people 14. Not socializing them with other dogs 15. Making sudden loud noises

6: 16. Not respecting their boundaries 17. Using aggressive body language 18. Dressing them up in uncomfortable clothing

7: 19. Rough handling during playtime 20. Not giving them enough mental stimulation 21. Ignoring their basic needs

8: 22. Overfeeding them with treats 23. Not giving them enough rest 24. Leaving them in hot cars

9: 25. Using excessive perfume or scents 26. Tugging on their leash too hard 27. Not listening to their cues and signals

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